As part of the SFAC’s bi-annual review process and in light of recent requests from student committees seeking new or increased stipends, the following presents recent changes to the Student Stipend Policy, outlines key provisions of the current policy, and offers some stipend review guidelines for the Committee’s consideration.


Recent Changes to the Student Stipend Policy

·        In February of 2002, the SFAC added the Student Initiated Outreach Committee (SIOC) to the list of current stipended committees.

·        In January 1999, SFAC removed Student Services Committee from list of stipended committees and included Campus Retention Committee.  In addition, SFAC chair stipend increase was increased.

·        The base annual stipend was set at a fixed amount of $3,000 for the 1997-1998 academic year.  The base annual stipend should also be reviewed by SFAC every two years.


Current Student Stipend Policy



Definition of Stipend

“The stipend is not viewed as employment income, but rather as a scholarship with a service requirement.  The stipend is intended to encourage the participation of the highest caliber of students of any financial means.”


Criteria for Stipended Committees

“The key factors involved in determining which committees shall be entitled to stipends and at what level are the time required for participation, the gravity of the responsibility, and the size of the budget allocated.”


Current Stipended Committees

·        Student Fee Advisory Committee (SFAC)

·        Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC)

·        Community Activities Committee (CAC)

·        Campus Programs Committee (CPC)

·        Campus Retention Committee (CRC)

·        Student Initiated Outreach Committee (SIOC)


Allocating Stipends to Additional Committees

“Proposed changes to the committees eligible to receive stipends, the student member allotments, and the level of stipends shall be reviewed by SFAC.  Recommended changes shall be forwarded to the Chancellor for consideration per provisions of the SFAC charter and by-laws.” (Section 4)


Stipend Review Guidelines

·        Open and Inclusive Process

The Stipend Review Process is an opportunity for SFAC members to learn about other Student Committees at UCLA and their scope of work.  These committees serve an important student oversight function on many of the units that come before SFAC during the funding process, engaging them in this process will ensure continued dialogue.  SFAC should strive to include participation from interested Student Committees and their appointing authorities including:


Student Committees

·        Student Fee Advisory Committee (SFAC)

·        Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC)

·        Community Activities Committee (CAC)

·        Campus Programs Committee (CPC)

·        Campus Retention Committee (CRC)

·        Student Initiated Outreach Committee (SIOC)


Appointing Authorities

·        USAC President and Appointment Review Committee

·        GSA President and Appointment Review Committee


·         Conduct Frequent Review of the Criteria for Stipended Committees

Before decisions on current requests for student stipends or amendments and/or revisions to the current stipend policy are made, SFAC must reevaluate the criteria for providing stipends to committees every two years.  Specifically SFAC must consider:


            A.    Stipend Amounts

                        1) Whether an increase is merited

                        2) Under what criteria will committees receive an increase

            B.    Stipended Committees

                        1) Whether additional committees should be added to the existing list

                        2) Under what criteria will committees receive a stipend


Student Stipend Policy currently outlines three key factors as meritorious of stipends:

1) The gravity of the responsibility and scope of interaction and impact on the general campus community.

2) The time required for participation inside and outside of regular committee meeting time(s) (i.e. Subcommittees, etc.).

3) Size of budget allocated.


·        Develop and Adhere to Timeline for Review

To ensure that a revised Student Stipend Policy is in place before the beginning of the Budget process, SFAC must adhere to a strict timeline for review reevaluation, and redevelopment of the policy.


1.      Collect information on Current Stipended Committees

·        Such as meeting times, scope of work, stipend amounts at other UC campuses

2.      Identify Student Stipend Policy Review Committee

3.      Redefine or clarify Criteria for Stipended Committees

·        To be approved by the Student Stipend Policy Review Committee and the SFAC

4.      Student Stipend Policy Review Committee to Begin Review Process

·        Conduct Meetings, Collect Input, Develop Student Stipend Policy

5.      Student Stipend Policy Review Committee Present Student Stipend Policy to the SFAC

6.      SFAC approves New Student Stipend Policy

7.      Evaluate New Requests for Student Stipends under New Policy


Reported by:

Kelly Wynn, Undergraduate Representative

Spring 2002