SFAC Services Assessment Team

Unit Review Timeline - 2001



Fall Quarter

Winter Quarter

Spring Quarter








Week 1: Request  recommendations of units to be reviewed from USAC and GSA.  Request response by Week 5.


Weeks 6-8: SAT and SFAC identify at least four units to be reviewed.


Week 9: Send notification letter and self-study to selected units.








Week 1: Discuss guidelines of SAT process.  Request recommendations of  groups to consult from USAC and GSA.


Weeks 2-5: Review completed self-study.  Give progress report on self-study to SFAC.  Discuss guidelines of site visit.


Weeks 5-9: Meet with unit representatives to tour site and discuss self-study.

Weeks 1-3: Give progress report on site visit to SFAC.


Week 4: Discuss format for unit review report.


Weeks 5-9: Begin preparing unit review report.

Week 1: Submit first draft of unit review report to SFAC.


Weeks 4-6: SFAC gives feedback on unit review drafts to each team.


Week 7: Submit final draft of unit review report to SFAC.


Week 8: SFAC gives final feedback on unit review reports.


Week 9: SFAC forwards unit review reports to Chancellor, USAC, GSA, and appropriate parties.  Send copy to unit with notification of one-year follow-up meeting.












Week 1: SFAC assigns each team one of the previous year’s unit review reports.  Discuss guidelines of follow-up process and format for follow-up reports. 


Weeks 2-3: Review unit report.  Conduct follow-up meeting with unit representatives to discuss implementation of recommendations.  Prepare brief follow-up report.


Week 4: Submit first draft of follow-up report to SFAC.


Week 5-7: SFAC gives feedback on follow-up report to each team. 


Week 8: Submit final draft of follow-up report to SFAC.


Week 9: SFAC forwards follow-up report to all recipients of original unit review report.